Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)
What is EAP?
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is a brief therapy approach that incorporates horses as a catalyst for emotional growth and wellness. Sessions are facilitated by a licensed therapist and a horse specialist. The focus of EAP is not on horsemanship, but on setting up non-mounted activities that involve interacting with horses. These activities require participants to apply skills that promote relationship-building, communication, problem-solving, teamwork, assertiveness, etc.
For those folks seeking counseling services and looking for something outside of traditional office talk therapy sessions, EAP is a great option.
We believe in a strength-based approach to therapy through experiential learning. EAP offers clients the opportunity to interact with horses and recieve immediate feedback about their decisions, behavior patterns, approaches, and feelings. EAP allows clients to gain insight about the nature of personal obstacles more quickly because they are receiving constant feedback. Clients are able to see what decisons, behaviors, and approaches are working for them and whch are not.
Horses are prey animals who are primarily interested in self-preservation. But they are also very social animals who live in herds, have distinct roles in their herd, and have very individual "horsanilties." Horses are independent thinkers and experience moods and feelings meaning that an approach that works for one horse won't always work with another.
Because horses are "prey" animals, they are very "tuned in" to everything happening around them. This makes them wonderful readers of body language and energy levels. Horses are constantly giving feedback about thier interpretation of the environment around them. They are clean, honest, and effective communicators.
The sheer size of a horse can be intimidating and commands respect. Horses tune in to humans interacting with them and give immediate feedback which makes them great teachers in personal awareness, behavior patterns, and emotion regulation.
How is EAP different from Traditional Talk Therapy?
* The participant and therapist are able to identify behavioral patterns and traits, behavioral shifts, and discrepancies. (What's working and what is not.)
*The participant is able to address behavior "in the moment," and try out new behaviors and approaches in an emotionally safe and supportive environment and get immediate feedback.
*Participant can experience successes in behavioral changes and build confidence in new skills. Client is more likely to then transfer these skills to other environments.
*Participant is learning about himself /herself- whether he/she voices it or not.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy can benefit people in many ways:
Building Confidence Empathy
Assertiveness versus Aggression
Learning & Practicing Patience
Increased Responsibility
Teamwork Leadership Trust
Increased Self-Esteem
Hygiene Overcoming Fears
Creative Thinking
Self-Care Humor Reflection
Increasing Independence
Healthy Coping Skills
Relaxation Enjoyment/Fun
Grief & Loss
Parenting Skills Self-Awareness
Reading Body Language
Moving out of comfort zone
Setting and Accepting Boundaries
Planning & Completing task successfully

EAP is provided to:
*Group Homes
*Court referrals
Some Issues commonly addressed in EAP:
*Relationship building
*Parenting Skills
*Managing Anger
We utilize and are certified in the EAGALA model (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association). EAGALA is a leading international training and certification organization in the field of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. EAGALA has established standards for safety, best practice, and ethics in the field of EAP.
To learn more about EAGALA go to:
What to Expect from EAP:
*significant results due to the experiential nature of EAP
*sessions are 50 minutes long
*EAP is a brief therapy approach meaning most folks will benefit from 6 to 12 sessions depending on the presenting issue/s.
To learn more about our EAP services please